ECOSOC: Introductions and Afternoon Debate

ECOSOC: Introductions and Afternoon Debate

Reported By: Thandeka Mangwiro & Ashley Makuwa


A great start for the ECOSOC Committee this morning. As they began with introducing the ZiMUN conference and taking roll call. The original co-chair to Theodora Reiter was absent, so Megan Kadzirange of the Executive Team took her place until she arrived. The rules and regulations were discussed as well as phrases like “Point of Personal Privilege”. A few ice breakers were done to lighten the mood, and make the delegates more comfortable. The delegates began lobbying and merging, which is allocated time for delegates to come together to merge clauses and write a resolution. There were a few delegates absent due to Eisteddfod, and one of those was the delegate of Saudi Arabia who was supposed to present their resolution. In her absence, delegate of Venezuela presented their groups resolution. The topic being debated was Venezuela’s hyperinflation.  The delegate of Mexico presented the resolution and was open to three points of informations to which the delegates of Venezuela, Saudi Arabia & Germany were recognized. Venezuela is rebuffing Clause 1 which states that:

[…] Venezuela [accept] foreign aid in the form of basic commodities from countries such as but not limited to;

  1. The United states of America
  2. The Republic of Germany
  3. The Republic of Brazil

The delegate is Venezuela was very keen to find out where the delegate of Mexico had got one of their pieces of information from, but due to the preparation done before the debate, the  delegate of Mexico stated his source with the date. Saudi Arabia agreed with one of the amendments, claiming it to be “ well thought out” however, “2030 is impractical, as it is soon for venezuela to repay all the debts that they already have”. More amendments were submitted by different delegates, however the chairs in ECOSOC had a tendency to deny most of the requests to follow up. This created an interesting atmosphere in the room, as occasionally one could see the rage building up in some of the delegates facial expressions. For example, the delegate of Germany and the delegate of Mexico were both culprits of this.

In conclusion to the ECOSOC first debate, the resolution proposed by the delegate Mexico, Peru and the delegate of Ecuador, was scrapped. Due to time constraints at the end of the day, there was not much room for back and forth debate. Hopefully tomorrow there will be a resolution that is passed.

One thought on “ECOSOC: Introductions and Afternoon Debate

  1. the delegate of Germany was in no way angry at any point with how the chairs operated during debate on Thursday, but really commends the Chairs on their outstanding jobs, where the writer states, “For example, the delegate of Germany and the delegate of Mexico were both culprits of this”, the delegate of Germany does not believe that this was the case, at least with his own country.

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